Thursday, August 15, 2013

Crystals for Students

Crystals for Students
As I'm writing this, it is back to school time for my kids. In fact, my oldest is entering into high school. EEEK! lol I am often asked what crystals are good for students of all ages. After all, once we are out of "school" we can still be faced with taking tests for our jobs or even continuing education courses to stay on top of the latest knowledge. So with that, I offer you... crystals for students!

Fluorite is my number 1 favorite crystal for students. First off, due to the rainbow colors, children love this crystal. It is my top recommendation for memory and mental focus. It enhances their learning and ability to retain the knowledge that they have learned. Fluorite is known as the "Stone of Discernment and Aptitude" as it works with you to organizes and process new information as well as to bring mental clarity and focus.

Last Spring, during the end of the school year statewide testing, my 9 year old son came up to me and told me he felt he needed a little extra help during his testing. He took his small Fluorite skull in a bag to school with him. He would come home and tell me how much his crystal helped him and that he felt better and more confident with the test. He simply kept his crystal in his pocket. Obviously, the crystal does not have to be a skull. This just happened to be the crystal that he picked as his own "study buddy". My 14 year old son prefers Clear Quartz, but more on that crystal later.

In addition to boosting memory and mental focus, Fluorite also enhances the immune system and helps your body to combat viruses such as the cold and flu. As we know, kids can pick up germs so easily in schools and are often coming home with a cold. Let Fluorite help them fight off those viruses to stay healthy and mentally ready to learn.

Fluorite is a relatively soft crystal. It can break if it is dropped. Please keep this in mind, especially if you have younger children that you have working with crystals. As with all crystals, keep in mind your child's age and behavior. If they are young and prone to put things in their mouth, then wait until they are older and/or make sure they have a larger crystal. Children of ALL ages love crystals. Both of my boys were taught early on that crystals are their friends and to treat them gently with love.

Crystals for Mental Focus and ClarityCrystals for MemoryAs mentioned previously mentioned, Clear Quartz is another great crystal for students. Clear Quartz is the most versatile crystal. It can be programmed for any intent and brings clarity to the mind. Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on the planet, which makes very easy to obtain at very reasonable prices. It is the perfect starter crystal. For the student purposes, it doesn't matter if the crystal is tumbled, raw, or a point. Simply choose the one that draws your attention or let the student in your life pick out their own. Clear Quartz often contains internal rainbows that bring an added beauty and joy to the person carrying this crystal.

Below are even more crystals that are beneficial for students. Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. As we all know, students need more than just help with memory and mental focus. It is also important for them to have confidence in themselves, the ability to speak their truth, and the ability to be calm during times of stress. That's why I have pulled together my top 5 favorite crystals for students that assist with a blend of these different attributes. These crystals include Fluorite, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Rhodonite, and Turquoise. View the images below for even more wonderful and helpful crystal tips for you or the students in your life.
Crystals for Students

Crystals for CalmingCrystals for Communication
Crystals for ConfidenceCrystals for Creativity
Crystals for Mind ChatterCrystals for Motivation
Crystals for ShynessCrystals for Stress

View this article on Crystal Guidance.

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