Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Daily Crystal Card Readings on Facebook

I realized that I don't use the blog very much. I'd love to change that, but the fact is I use Facebook more. At least for the time being. For the last 20 days I have been posting a Crystal Card of the Day. Basically, I choose one of my 8 crystal oracle decks and draw a card for that day. The daily post typically includes:
• Photo of the crystal. 
• Divination message for the crystal. Sometimes I add an additional message if I am guided to.
• Positive affirmation that correlates with the message of the day.
• Chakras related to that crystal.
• The website the photo is from and the deck I worked with for that day.

Since it is posted as a photo, you can see the past daily readings by looking in the photos section. It is my hope that these daily messages will help at least a few people out there. For me personally it has been wonderful connecting more with the crystals through the cards and sharing that loving energy with all of you.

Come join me and *LIKE* my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/CrystalGuidance

Love and Blessings,