for Attracting Love
— Attract love into your life and open your heart to love with Rose
Quartz and Rhodochrosite. Hold your crystal to your Heart and say, "I
attract love effortlessly. I am loved. I am love."
Something I have often seen asked about or had crystal requests for is
someone hoping to have someone else fall in love with them. More
specifically, they have someone that they want to be with (whether
getting back together with an ex or perhaps a crush).
You can attract love into your life with Rose Quartz and Rhodochrosite. Rhodochrosite is also helpful for attracting soulmates. Remember, though, that soulmates are NOT always that "once in a lifetime love" that many people fantasize. Soulmates are people (and, yes, there are multiple of them) that are here to help teach you an important lesson, whether it is true love or a hard lesson you need to learn. In other words, soulmates can sometimes come with a painful experience, but it is one you need to go through for your ultimate highest good. I just wanted to make sure I cleared up any confusion on the term "soulmates". Back to the crystals... Rose Quartz is your ultimate stone of love. Rhodochrosite is a powerful crystal to attract love as well as to bring you to a place of emotional peace (by forgiving the past to make way for the new) so that you are ready for love to find its way to you. A couple of other wonderful love attracting crystals includes Rhodonite, Emerald, and Pink Tourmaline.
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